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My gun show purchase (coins)

A guy I know casually showed me 3 common date Saints at a gun show and asked me "What are they worth ?". I took a look and said "While I'm not sure of anything they look like MS64 and if they certify that way they are worth $800 each (gold was higher then). He said he took them to a coin dealer and was offered $420 each. So I asked how much he wanted and he said $500 apiece and I said O.K. Today I got my grades, all MS64. Inv # 3174487. The $10 Indian in that group I cracked out of an NGC MS60 holder and got a body bag. I wouldn't have done it except I had 4 free gradings and I thought if they certified it I might get MS62 or MS63.
I'd rather be lucky than good.


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