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Can you believe one is a 66 and one is a 64? (Pictures)

OOOOh, this'll be fun. I feel just like coinguy1. I have removed identifying markings from these coins. (grade, and last two digits of date, just so there is no weight toward one that is a Key Date) Neither is a 1921 (which are much much harder to grade, and in my opinon, grade a little differently)

NOTE: there was no imperfection in either coin where I removed the last two digits of date!!! What would you grade each of these, why, and which would you rather have? Based solely on grade and eye appeal (since you can't see a date).

PS. If you KNOW the grade of one of these, hold off on killing the surprise for a bit.


and the reverse of the second coin



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    PutTogetherPutTogether Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    im ttt'ing this cause i want someone to play.
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    First off its a nice coin....secondly the strike is very nice...thirdly I am not getting the full feel for color and appeal but it appears to have some "cartwheel"...Maybe a 66, and for sure a 65
    God I Love Indian Head Cents more than any other coin!
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    I take that back MAYBE a 63 probably a 60...the reverse shows some wear...especially in the word Peace.....
    God I Love Indian Head Cents more than any other coin!
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    I've come to play half the game.........lol......

    The top one looks like a 1923 from the strike. I'd say, because it's in a NGC holder that it is MS66... It'd be in a 65 holder if it were PCGS....

    I already know from a previous post the date/grade of the bottom coin......

    So onto eye appeal..... kind of hard to compare apples to oranges here..... one's a digital pic and the other a wierd scan of some sort....

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    Uh Oh...more abrasions on the reverse...(right side) But what the hell do I know
    God I Love Indian Head Cents more than any other coin!
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    Between the L&A in dollar???? Dunno
    God I Love Indian Head Cents more than any other coin!
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    PutTogetherPutTogether Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    the top coin is a 66, and the bottom one is a 64.

    If that top one is a 66, im sending all my 64s in TOMMOROW
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    That top image is from DLRC. Do you have the coin or are just going by the scan? That top coin has the full reverse halo, and as such, is most likely a very choice coin. DLRC's images aren't the best, and I have found the coins to be much better than their images.
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    DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    Based solely on the pictures provided, coin one is hammered. The hair detail is razor sharp. It's likely a 23. It is cruddy with luster, and has the powdery satin look I'd expect. The marks are minimal, and look more like luster disturbances than hits. In hand, it probably is a killer. It's the 66. Coin two has typical mushy hair and feathers, but looks like a decent coin. The mark on the obverse field isn't bad, but the three hits on the eagle, and the ones in the upper reverse field would certainly lower the grade. It's the 64.

    BTW - the halo Eric is referring to is present on many coins, and typically outlines the design pattern of the other side of the coin. Look at a wheat cent reverse sometime, and you'll be able to identify the outline of President Lincoln. On nice Barbers, it's easy to see the outline of the wing tips in the luster of the obverse.image
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