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Has anybody ever gone to this website? It has nothing to do with coins,only currency.It seems to me that these people must hang out at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and ask for unusual serial numbers.I don't know how any dealer can accumulate so many unusual items.Does anybody know???


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    MrLeeMrLee Posts: 1,847 ✭✭✭
    Yes. I've been to their site lots of times. It's a great site for fancy serial numbered notes. I believe Billy and Willy live in the general area of the BEP and frequent the banks around the area looking for unusual bills but they also buy them off Ebay and from collectors. My brother and I sold them a 1966A Red Seal Specimen Note a while back.


    They have such great currency because they are strong buyers and they're excellent guys to work with.

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