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New Peace $ VAM 2C score... with toning too....

Picked this up on ebay.

At first glance it look like any other until you move in closer....

And closer....

Not bad for $ 25 find....


  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    That's a nice find. You can still find some good stuff on eBay, you just need to sort through all the pollution.
  • aem4162aem4162 Posts: 421

    << <i>Picked this up on ebay. image At first glance, you don't see anything out of the ordinary until you look a little closer. image Nice score for $ 25... This coin has green and blues in it too... looks to be natural... >>

    what happened to it?
    anita...ana #r-217183...coin collecting noob
  • I don't know... so much for free web hosting..... the URL changed....

    It has some greens and blues in it too.....

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