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Results on regrades - Sigh

1 21511324 1943-P 5C Doubled Die Obverse USA MS66
2 21511325 1944-P 5C USA MS66FS
3 21511326 1945-S 5C USA MS66FS
4 21511327 1942-S 5C USA MS66FS
Date Received: 02/26/2004
Date Shipped: 03/02/2004

I was looking for 67FS on some/all of the coins. They all came back the grade originally sent in. Off to Presidential review I guess.


  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    hey Clack

    this only reinforces why they're tough in 67. were you looking for the designation on the double-eye??

    al h.image
  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,278 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe it's time to stop wasting money on upgrade attempts. Even if it makes the upgrade it is still the same coin.
    All glory is fleeting.
  • clackamasclackamas Posts: 5,615

    Yes I was looking for the FS designation and /or 67 on the Double Eye

    >>Maybe it's time to stop wasting money on upgrade attempts. Even if it makes the upgrade it is still the same coin.

    I think it would be rather irresponsible to my heirs someday to not try the upgrade. The coins are nicer than some of my 67's and worth tons more in the higher grade. If a coin does upgrade it would not be a "waste" of money. Many estimate that 20% of coins are under graded, 20% over graded and the rest are correct. If you are one of the ones that has an "undergraded" coin is not the smart thing to do to try for the upgrade? I can't afford a 45-S in 67FS. I bet it would be a $7500 coin.
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    If you're thinking of your heirs, doesn't it make more sense to wait before resubmitting?

    Think back 10-20 years. NGC slabs commanded higher prices than PCGS. Grading scales were different then.
    Now, think 10-20 years in the future (and hum a Zager and Evans song in the background). Do you really think the relative value of a 2004 PCGS 67 compared to other grading services, some of which may not even exist today, will be the same?
  • tsacchtsacch Posts: 2,929 ✭✭✭
    That doubled die is a nice one though. I cherry picked three of those and two 39 reverse Doubled dies at a flea market from the same dealer on the same day, literally in the same three ring binder of coins he had from rolls that were put into 2 X 2's. I also came away with and VF 1943/2 from the guy at a later date.

    Family, kids, coins, sports (playing not watching), jet skiing, wakeboarding, Big Air....no one ever got hurt in the air....its the sudden stop that hurts. I hate Hurricane Sandy. I hate FEMA and i hate the blasted insurance companies.
  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,278 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Keets-

    Yes I was looking for the FS designation and /or 67 on the Double Eye

    >>Maybe it's time to stop wasting money on upgrade attempts. Even if it makes the upgrade it is still the same coin.

    I think it would be rather irresponsible to my heirs someday to not try the upgrade. The coins are nicer than some of my 67's and worth tons more in the higher grade. If a coin does upgrade it would not be a "waste" of money. Many estimate that 20% of coins are under graded, 20% over graded and the rest are correct. If you are one of the ones that has an "undergraded" coin is not the smart thing to do to try for the upgrade? I can't afford a 45-S in 67FS. I bet it would be a $7500 coin. >>

    I have several coins that I would like to "upgrade", or at least, get in a PCGS holder. However, since these coins are in the part of my collection that is not likely to be sold anytime soon, I see no reason to waste more money on slabbing them right now. When I feel it is time to sell the coins I will look at the slabbing playing field and make a decision on what to do at that time. Who knows, perhaps 10-20 years down the road PCGS will no longer be the top slabbing company. The company could have a new owner. Look what happened to PCI's reputation after it was sold. I used to actively look for nice coins in PCI holders. Since the ownership change I no longer feel it is worth the effort. This is my wallet talking.
    All glory is fleeting.
  • gripgrip Posts: 9,962 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was thinking on the same lines,what is now,may not be in the futureimage
  • clackamasclackamas Posts: 5,615
    >>If you're thinking of your heirs, doesn't it make more sense to wait before resubmitting?

    Do you have some guarantee that you will be alive 10 years from now that I don't? Most people who die really did not plan on it and usually would prefer not to. I am in good health and young but you never know. Besides maybe I will forget about it or move on to another hobby for the next 20 years. If its worth doing its worth doing now.



  • << <i>
    Now, think 10-20 years in the future (and hum a Zager and Evans song in the background). >>

    "In the year 2525, when alan hager is queen of the hive"....


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