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The 'boss' needs to tell this guy not to use such good images

MS65DMPL? image



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    HadleydogHadleydog Posts: 1,585 ✭✭✭
    It must be a 65dmpl.........it say's so on the holder!image
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    ccexccex Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭
    The "boss" needs to tell his eBay flunky that large images of Accugade slabs posted on eBay by Florida sellers are unheard of. If he keeps this up, Florida's gross domestic product might become less gross.
    "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity" - Hanlon's Razor
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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    If you want a real laugh Paul, check out the 1884 Indian cent he is selling in one of the ACG self slabs. Ugh!
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    dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,692 ✭✭✭
    it's a scan, right? don't scan's always make dmpl's look like sh-- ?

    K S
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    What you are looking at is the reincarnation of Jimmy Dempsey of Sunshine Rarities infamy. Using his wife as a front.
    My guess is that he's hustling Hager's junk until he pays back the $50k judgement he owes from when the PBC Sheriff emptied his storefront over a $90k bad check. Hager had stuff consigned to him and lost it all.
    Also look for him to shop SEGS stuff as Larry Briggs lost a wad in that deal, too. Dempsey was a beard for Brigg's selling of SEGS coins.

    Edited for speeling image
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    BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    It's uncanny how so many of these bottom-feeder slab sellers are located in Florida.
    NGC should move. They may get a bad rep...
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i>What you are looking at is the reincarnation of Jimmy Dempsey of Sunshine Rarities infamy. Using his wife as a front.
    My guess is that he's hustling Hager's junk until he pays back the $50k judgement he owes from when the PBC Sheriff emptied his storefront over a $90k bad check. Hager had stuff consigned to him and lost it all.
    Also look for him to shop SEGS stuff as Larry Briggs lost a wad in that deal, too. Dempsey was a beard for Brigg's selling of SEGS coins.

    Interesting. I just typed in the url and appears it's now for Science Diet! http://www.sunshinerarities.com/



    Edited for speeling image >>

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    K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Hey Karl - those are not scans, they are digital images. Are you trying to say that might be a DMPL? Puhhhlease.

    Yes, I knew this was Dempsey, that is why I used the term "boss". Hager and Briggs weren't the only ones who were out money. This guy is as slimey as they come in the coin business.
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    MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382

    << <i>It's uncanny how so many of these bottom-feeder slab sellers are located in Florida.
    NGC should move. They may get a bad rep... >>

    There is all kinds of riff-raff in Florida and it gets worse each day. One reason the wife and I moved from there. Seems like cons a' plenty. Everything from rip off contractors to big time wheelers and dealers. The latest thing to come out of that state are these get rich deals by investing in those video vending machines, ATM/email/internet terminals and the like.

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