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quality unclean ancient coins.....

Ancient Coin Vault currently has over 3,000 unclean ancients with more on the way.
$1.00 each
$40.00 for lots of 50
$75.00 for lots of 100.

Ancient Coin Vault

These are really great quality unclean for these prices.
Showing both detail and variety. Not all will clean to be perfect. Many are fully dirt covered and there is no way for me to tell what is underneath before selling. But I can tell you there are very few slugs. Coins range from 8mm up to 26mm.

Although all unclean ancients are pick over somewhat, I can guarantee that I haven't cherry picked these coins.
These are not picked through by anybody in America. As they come from Europe and this is the reason for the better variety.

some silver
Gold will never happen. It just doesn't and won't ever.

Ancient Coin Vault

Thankyou for looking,

The Faustina Collector


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