Denomination of 1790 French coin?

The dealer I got it from said it was a "Lys"; a denomination I'm unfamiliar with. I never shelled out the bucks for a 1701-1800 Krause and the rest of my French coin references start at 1795 or so. This heavily cleaned coin measures 32mm if that helps. Thanks... 

v12_1149 - LOUIS XVI - Écu dit "aux branches d'olivier" - 1790 - SUP
louis XVI ecu
is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
Good call though, I went to CGB and found a 1791 "Demi-ecu" that is 33mm and looks the same. I had just never heard the name "Lys" before.
Does anyone know the mintage of the 1790 demi-ecu from the Metz mint?
You want how much?!!
(Last update 3/6/2007)
I'm not sure the term LYS refers to the coin-it probably derives from the fleures-de-lys on the coin. For a while I thought it might be a sol d'ecu...
is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato