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VAM experts - - - 1899-O micro O VAM 5 - UPDATE now living in ANACS AU50 holder

Ok VAM expert whats this worth in AU50?



  • DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,988 ✭✭✭✭✭
    PCGS-55s have been bringing $400+, so a 50 is worth something in the $250+ range... if you can get it into a PCGS-50 holder.

    Good catch on the VAM 5 designation, by the way! VAM 5 is a tough variety in it's own right, and I believe should be worth more than just as an 1899 Micro-O.
    When in doubt, don't.
  • AU common date Morgan? Aren't those things worth $14 each? I'll give you $30. image

    I don't have access to Mike Fey's price trends now, and I *think* those are trending up (not sure), but on Jeff Oxman's web site, he shows that he sold an 1899-O VAM 5 ANACS AU55 for $120. Jeff leaves the listings of coins he sold on there though, so that may be a few years old. I just sold a beat up VF with minor rim problems on ebay, and that went for $26, higher than I expected. There's an AU55 VAM 6 on ebay with a bid at $235, which is also higher than I expected, that's why I think these are trending up.

    If you really want to know... Put it on ebay and let it fly! image

    I'd guess somewhere around the $180 mark, but that's just my WAG. Mike Fey has a quarterly newletter that would be better than my WAG. The quarterly newsletter costs $19.95 per year, here.

    Oxman's web site
    1899-o VAM 6 ANACS AU55 on ebay - $235
    beat up VF that went for $26

  • Is that AU50/Net EF40? Maybe a bad photo but that coin looks like it had a deep scrubbing in the very recent past.
  • Hey you guys are great!!!!!!!
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,024 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Without question, VAM 5 is the best and rarest of the 1899-0 micro o varieties. This example was dipped and a net grade from ANACS is a possibility. I was shocked afew weeks ago about the scarface fetching WELL over $2K in MS, so maybe $200-300 is what VAM 5 would bring today...

    Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.

  • FYI - graded out AU 50 as VAM 5 from ANACS.

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