Oddest coin submitted

in Q & A Forum
I note in one of your answers to a previous post your comment to the effect that "you wouldn't believe what people submit in the economy class." That comment brought to mind a question--what is the "oddest" coin (or coins) that PCGS has slabbed? I leave to you the definition of "odd." (
I note in one of your answers to a previous post your comment to the effect that "you wouldn't believe what people submit in the economy class." That comment brought to mind a question--what is the "oddest" coin (or coins) that PCGS has slabbed? I leave to you the definition of "odd." (


When I made the comment about the economy service I was not refering to how odd the coins were, I was refering to what unbelievably low quality of problem coins people sometimes send in in the economy service.
Today we graded the first group of Alaska Bingles that have ever been submitted to PCGS in 18 years. They are pretty odd.