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ready to dip-Now dipped-picture results added

Last week I ordered several pairs of coin gloves, plastic tongs, and some MS70. I have several inexpensive mint sets from the usual small countries with hazing that acetone did nothing to. Quite frankly, I have found acetone (bought as 100% pure) is fine for degreasing coins but (at least for me) does not seem to affect hazing on proofs.
I have heard that five to 10 seconds of swishing the coin around with several washes is appropriate. Is this 5 to 10 seconds accurate?
My son called to let me know UPS delivered the package this morning so I'll be ready to dip tonight.
If anyone has any advice or success stories (or horror stories) I'd love to hear them.
One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato


  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    I usually go for 3-5 seconds with no dilution in the solution and then lots and lots of rinsing. And you are correct, acetone does not affect haze. MS70 and dip will alter the hazing.
  • danglendanglen Posts: 1,674 ✭✭✭
    3 to 5 seconds is what I do. Also, if you rinse with distilled water, you won't get any little impurities on the fields that you might with regular tap water. Becomes more important on proof coins, because of the mirror finishes. By the way, I buy Connosieur Brand silver cleaner ( gray cointainer) at WalMart. I get two containers with the little plastic baskets for $5.00. image

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    "Everything I have is for sale except for my wife and my dog....and I'm not sure about one of them."
  • I have used Jewluster diluted 3 to 1 with De-ionized Water for 5 seconds. 3 – 4 minutes in running water, swish it in DI water for 20 – 30 seconds, dip in Alcohol for a few seconds, and then dry with caned air. It has never failed me, but I have never used it on anything more than about 30 years old. I never dip Silver and Clad coins in the same dip.

    Good Luck,

    I like Ikes!! But I especially like Viking Ships, Swedish Plate Money, and all coins Scandinavian.
  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,461 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I rinse in distilled water and then tap water. Advice: don't drink the dipping solution.

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

  • Steve27Steve27 Posts: 13,275 ✭✭✭
    Good luck, I've never seen haze sucessfully removed from proof coins.
    "It's far easier to fight for principles, than to live up to them." Adlai Stevenson
  • laurentyvanlaurentyvan Posts: 4,243 ✭✭✭
    Ajaan, thanks for the advice:Advice: don't drink the dipping solution.

    Whew, man did I come close!imageimage

    Is it better to reduce the solution and then thicken so that spreading on bread is easier?
    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
    is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
  • 1973 & 74 Proof Ikes are full of blue gray haze. They are what I learned on, and PCGS has alwies graded them very high when I sent them in. They come out beautiful every time with the haze gone.
    I like Ikes!! But I especially like Viking Ships, Swedish Plate Money, and all coins Scandinavian.
  • I just bought a Crown set that was very hazy from sitting in the plastic holder since 1978 so just on a whim I tried some WD40 on the coins and the Haze was gone in a flash and the coins are nice and bright. Just a thought. Oh yea they were copper nickel not the silver ones

  • 1jester1jester Posts: 8,637 ✭✭✭
    Proof coins really frustrate me because their mirror surfaces are so susceptible to damage, including haze, dust, prints, etc. It's mighty annoying. I guess if you could buy them brand new and keep them in that condition, it would be acceptable, but how can you go about collecting older proofs that are in perfect condition??


    "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." -Luke 11:9

    "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." -Deut. 6:4-5

    "For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us." -Isaiah 33:22
  • laurentyvanlaurentyvan Posts: 4,243 ✭✭✭
    The coin to be dipped:image
    The new tongs
    the dip-3 to 5 seconds
    the distilled water rinse 30 seconds agitation
    the acetone wash-10 seconds agitation foloowed by air dry-big fan, not canned air.
    the results-not too bad
    The scratches you now see clearly were obscured by the haze before-it's the reason I wanted to experiment with this coin; it was purchased for a couple of dollars as an impaired proof. Looks like the stuff did the job. It seems like a wisp of haze is left-I'll get to it.
    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
    is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,461 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice photos and dip by dip.

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

  • JohnZJohnZ Posts: 1,732
    Wow, I never tried clarified butter!

    We ARE watching you.

  • MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382
    I have used MS70 on my proof Ikes and other coins to rid them of haze. I will put a small amount of MS70 on a Q-tip and roll it softly onto the proof. Then rinse it in tap water. I have a 3 filter stage system for our well water however, I will drop the coin in 100% acetone in a glass dish then remove and let air dry. I use the acetone to rid the coin of any water and any impurities. I follow the directions on the bottle of MS70. It seems to be working well but I am still not sure if this a good method. I do not dip silver coins. I find MS70 works better for those.
  • 1jester1jester Posts: 8,637 ✭✭✭
    I use MSD61's technique, and also have never used an acid-based dip--only MS70.


    "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." -Luke 11:9

    "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." -Deut. 6:4-5

    "For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us." -Isaiah 33:22
  • MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382
    I have a jar of E-z-est coin dip but found it better to use on our wedding rings...LOL! I like the MS70s results better. I know some do not like MS70 because they say that it makes the coin look "too" bright and leave a fake looking sheen. Myself, I really like it!image
  • You know, MSD61, that would be an interesting set of side-by-side pics: a "before" coin, an "after" coin, and a normal "red" coin.

    Come on over ... to The Dark Side! image
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