Question about giveaway items

Hey folks,
I was wondering if any of you that have given things away have known them to be sold at a later date? I ask because there was a thread in the swap forum about swap items being sold and it seemed to be an issue. I am being curious I guess.
I was wondering if any of you that have given things away have known them to be sold at a later date? I ask because there was a thread in the swap forum about swap items being sold and it seemed to be an issue. I am being curious I guess.
WNC Coins, LLC
1987-C Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
I'll only enter giveaways for coins I truly plan on keeping for a long time.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
<< <i>
I'll only enter giveaways for coins I truly plan on keeping for a long time. >>
I agree, I do not enter giveaways if it is not an item I want for my collection.
WNC Coins, LLC
1987-C Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
But the giveaway. Well that's like a gift. It's a forum thing. I wouldn't like to see that Charles II threepence on Ebay (I know he's not gonna do it anyway but there you go.)
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'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Not long ago I made a deal with LordM. He had a coin that he won in a NEN contest that I wanted for my George III set. I had a coin that he wanted so we traded even. The coin I got has a market value of about $ 60-75, he sold the coin he got from me for something like $160. Do I fell in any way upset or unhappy about the deal? Not at all, I got a coin I wanted for my personal collection and a friend made a very healthy profit, we both won and that is how all deals should go!
If I give you something on the other hand I hope it is something that I hope will spark an interest, enhance your collection or send you down a new collecting road. If you sell that giveaway item I may feel like I have failed to do what I had hoped, but I am not going to lose any sleep.
WNC Coins, LLC
1987-C Hendersonville Road
Asheville, NC 28803
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ended up in a trade/sell/giveaway. I would say most if not all giveaways I have gotten are in my collection as an addition or upgrade to it. I do not keep tight records on where a coin came from (just what I have or need) so a giveaway won could end up in a trade/sell/giveaway in the future.
I Know for a fact that a shilling given to me by Mongoose was eventually upgraded and replaced, I sold it to Aethelred, who in turn sold it on e-bay. I don't think there are any hard feelings about a transaction like that. I hope.....
If I give away a coin and it is sold to buy or upgrade a piece for one's collection then more power to them! I am happy to know I had some part in their quest. A simple thank you is all I need and if you choose to keep it great! If not, that's fine too. I know for some the idea of selling something you've had in a giveaway is insulting and you feel like some injustice has been done and that I can understand. As for me, I guess I am just a simpleton because this just would not bother me. I've been in places in the world where people have been brutalized and killed for less. I guess I was just shocked at a thread in another forum about how upset a person got over this issue. I was just speaking my mind and I promise I won't do it too much
Edit for English speakers
I have had several giiveaways in the past. Mine were almost always for lower grade world coins but, that I thought could be of use to others. If the winner wanted to sell or swap those I say, More Power to Them.
Now I have won many giveaways. I have never sold a coin I got, even when I thought I could at a profit. That may not sound like much, but the felling/idea that I got it from a freind online, was more important. Even though i could have used the bucks.
I have also received many GREAT coins and tokens as pure gifts that appeared in the mail. Those you and all others could not drag out of me.
I guess to make make confusing post be more clear, to me a Giveaway can be traded or sold. We don't always "get what we think we will".... refrer to some of my giveaway coins.
A gift, is a gift. I haven't ever gotten rid of any gift I recievced, coin or other wise. Even when I needed to get a little money.
I just read my above post and it confused me for lack of being clear. I will leave it anyway.
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
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Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
Just my feelings, of course.
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
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The opinion is just mine I was hosed down by a certain no longer active member and it just gave me a attitude about this subject. I feel that if you just want to win a give away so you can sell the coins included then don't enter. Just my feelings. Sorry if this PO's anyone but thats just the way it is.
However, it is in extremely bad taste to sell something like a giveaway prize, especially soon afterwards, and in order to make a profit. It sort of goes against the spirit of the original giveaway.
There aren't enough days on this earth left, so why waste one seething about it?
Once the item has gone it is up to the new owner but is great if it forms part of a collection.
I was afraid my reply would not make sense.
I agrre with you completely that you should "want/need" the coins for your collection before entering a giveaway. I never even enter one for any other reason.
BUT....when I first found this forum, and found I loved collecting, I entered every giveaway. I think I was shocked by the generosity of the folks and FREE coins. I also won a few of those giveaways and I still have the coins.
Just my opinion, and I could not find fault with anyone that sold any coin they got from me. Once again, I don't have high value coins. so maybe I don't qualify as a good example for commenting.
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
Admittedly, I have sold or swapped things I won in giveaways before, but not right away. I can see how it would be a bit galling to someone to give something away, only to see it immediately pop up for sale.
(If I annoyed anyone by later trading away or selling things I had won in previous giveaways, I will go ahead and apologize now. A breach of etiquette would be the last thing I intended.)
Aethelred gives the example of the coin I won from NEN, which he ended up with in a trade, but everybody won on that one: NEN got some well-deserved goodwill, Aethelred got an upgrade for his George III type set, and I basically got a $160-some coin for free. (And then did a giveaway of my own to make up for unduly profiting from NEN's generosity.)
Only enter giveaways for things that you really want. If you outgrow them later because of an upgrade, then it should be ok to sell the giveaway coin, or give it away might be a better idea.
Good thread.
PM with info.
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If I give something away all I expect is a Thank You. Beyond that it's up to the recipient. If they decide to keep it then that lets me know they appreciate it. But if they don't keep it I guess it doesn't necessarily mean they don't appreciate it so I can't get mad.
I only enter things when it's something I'd really like to have. But several times I've held back simply because I didn't think I could offer a decent giveaway of my own later (I'm still behind on that count
I just won that cool 3d from Lloyd and that's definitely a keeper. Of all the things I won here there's only one that I don't have anymore.. that one I gave away to someone else here. I guess I'm just a sentimental ol sap
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