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A public Thank You to all the members

GaCoinGuyGaCoinGuy Posts: 2,761 ✭✭✭✭
Hi all, I just wanted to come on here and offer my thanks for all the support and words of encouragement I received recently while going thru a tough time. Just an update, I have finally started a new job, and it seems to be working out pretty good...........only time will tell, I suppose...... I think, as I get back into the world of coin collecting, I am gonna go very simple, get back to the roots of collecting(back like when I was a kid)......working on my Danscos, Whitmans, and just buying what I like and not being concerned with the plastic stuff.

Anyway, thanks for all the help on the sale of my collection, you all were very generous with your offers and your words.........

You guys rock!



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