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Can someone tell me if I won on Heritage?

It says my bid was $60 ,its in greeg (winning bid), the BP price was $69. Next column says the coin sold for 64.40.

Did I win?

Currently attempting the 12 Coin US Gold Type Set and the 20th Century US Major Coin Type Set. Completed a Franklin Half Proof Set.


  • Sounds like you got it less than max bid. Green means it's yours
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    Check the my invoices section.
  • You should've gotten an e-mail notification of win as well...invoices are now up, at least mine is...
  • No open invoices..I have credit card on file, could that be why?

    My Bids are green though.

    Currently attempting the 12 Coin US Gold Type Set and the 20th Century US Major Coin Type Set. Completed a Franklin Half Proof Set.
  • Call them...or check the invoices again...mine came up just a bit ago...
  • Credit card on file won't matter.. they don't charge your credit card on file without your confirmation to do so. If the bid amount isn't in green, you didn't win.
  • I got the invoices...Thanks!

    Currently attempting the 12 Coin US Gold Type Set and the 20th Century US Major Coin Type Set. Completed a Franklin Half Proof Set.

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