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Modern submission results, including a 12/0 1966 SMS MS-68 CAM Roosie!

With apologies to those who have modern orders pending longer (I have been among those posting in support of a definitive first-in, first-out system at PCGS), I present these modern/SMS grades posted today (arrived Jan. 8.):

Submission 3112752

Coin / PCGS Grade / My Grade

1 -- 1965 SMS 1 cent: MS-66 RD (Copper challenged: I needed one for my set, figured this at MS-67)
2 -- 1967 SMS 1 cent: MS-67 RD (Far superior to my current PCGS MS-67 example, MS-68)
3 -- 1965 SMS 5 cents: MS-66 CAM (A raw Russ-pedigreed coin; near DCAM, a little shiny atop Tom's wig, MS-66 CAM)
4 -- 1966 SMS 5 cents: MS-66 CAM (PCI 67 Ultra Cam crackout; going back in, this is DCAM all day, MS-66 DCAM)
5 -- 1966 SMS 10 cents: MS-68 CAM ($6 raw: 12/0, 1 in DCAM, what can I say? I'm a pretty happy camper, MS-67 DCAM)
6 -- 1965 SMS 25 cents: MS-66 (Totally laughable; PCGS 67 crackout; wonderous mirrors, no doubt CAM, headed back)

You know you're addicted when ... Don't get me wrong, I am super delighted with the 1966 Roosie (who wouldn't be?), but that 66 Jeff deserves DCAM and that 1965 Quarter is no-doubt CAM! This is the VAMCollector-pedigreed coin I cherried on TT ... makes you wonder about the validity of my Roosevelt! (By the way, I have dug myself quite a little hole in Don's grading contest: LINK, which is open for 10 more days.

About the Roosevelt (aside from again entrenching my reputation as one cheap cherry-picker): I made one little post about it, did not crow much, because I am not a Roosie specialist, but like to think I have developed an eye for SMS coins. This is an incredibly clean, lustrous, no-doubt DCAM obverse coin. The reverse is DCAM, but it is hurt a bit by die polishing in the fields of the central reverse devices, which diminishes the contrast a bit. Still, I figured it as perhaps the second DCAM. Perhaps as a PQ piece, it earned the bump to 68, with the CAM a given ... Don, Morris, anyone ... any ballpark estimate on this coin's value?

Onward and upward, as BNE and I say ... image

1965 SMS Washington:


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