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'93-S Morgan CW Cover Story

The '93-S Morgan mentioned on the cover of the Feb. 9th CW was found by the Secretary of the local coin club I co-founded (I'm the Treasurer.) Not sure why I'm posting this - maybe I just want to brag a bit!

Ozaukee Coin Club (Ozaukee County, Wisconsin) - less than a year old and 45 members. Not too bad!

The dealer who bought the coin is local, honest, and has a great eye. Everything I've bought raw from him and had graded at PCGS was at least the grade he gave it, and more times than not, one higher. A 65 for 64 money! Yeah!!!


Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!


  • I hate to play devil advocate but when a dealer sells a coin at 64 money and it is a 65 it means someone somewhere was given less than what it was worth.
  • jbs - Maybe, but I think he has a lower profit margin on his coins than is typical. I believe he makes his money off the jewelry he sells. Coins seem to be his second interest. He's offered fair prices to me for some of my raw stuff - he doesn't handle many slabs.


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!

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