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On Regrade - Does the current holder grade count?

When sending in a coin for a regrade does the current grade weigh in towards the regrade grade? Does this make sense?


  • PutTogetherPutTogether Posts: 2,141 ✭✭✭
    The idea is that the grade on the current holder has no bearing whatsoever on the regrade. I've even heard it said that the current grade is somehow witheld from the graders. However, some people think that the current grade, while not officially "counting" may bias the graders minds. These people prefer to crack a coin out of a holder to resubmit.
  • I assume this is not a crossover? I would hope that the grade would not be revealed to the graders on a regrade - "Gee, I must admit I was wrong last time!" Given human nature, the bias would be to assign the same grade. If I felt it was truly an upgrade candidate, I'd break it out and submit it raw.


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • The graders can't see the intial grade,t hese are PCGS coins, so PCGS will crack them out when regrading, this much I know. But the cert # is still in the computer so I wonder if it is weighed as part of the grade.
  • >> "Gee, I must admit I was wrong last time!" Given

    Hopefully the graders will think that these coins are already in 67RD holders and I am looking for 68 on them. I have 6 Lincolns that were graded in the height of the PCGS lunacy with strict Lincoln grading. These would be very nice 67's and I think my 57-D has a real shot at 68RD.
  • I didn't know they were cracked out prior to being seen by the grader(s). I still think that the graders should not know the current grade on the coin. I know that the grade on a slab will sometimes influence my opinion on a particular coin. I always try to grab the slab with my thumb covering the grade and form my own opinion before I see the grade on the slab. It's interesting to see how close I get and if I miss, then I try to figure out why. I'm learning!

    Professional graders should grade without any "inside" information, IMHO.


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    For the first year or two (1986 & 1987) we assigned the holder grade as the first grade on regrades. We haven't done that for 15 years. Now regardes are cracked out of the holder and sent into the grader room looking like any other coin...i.e. raw.

    All show submissions, the ones at coin shows that is, have one difference in the process. The graders don't put their grade in a computer. Three graders grade the coin and put their grade on the back of the coin's flip. The last grader puts down the final grade, using the consensus method, and discussing the coin with the graders present when there's a diversity of opinions.


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  • I you send the coin in for review they don't crack it unless the grade changes. If you send it in for regrading then it is cracked out before the graders see it and it receives the grade assigned this time through. If the grade goes down then they compensate you because the original grade is still in the compute so they know that it down graded.

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