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Thursday: Abe's b-day and monthly meeting of my local coin club

The Ozaukee (county) Coin Club (in Wisconsin) meets the second Thursday of every month. I am a founding member of the OCC and its current Treasurer. The February 9th issue of CW featured on its front page a story about the '93-S Morgan found locally, by our Secretary. The dealer mentioned in the article is a really nice, honest guy with a great eye!

Anyway, I just wanted to remind everyone about Abe's birthday this Thursday - I'm donating a bunch of Lincoln wheats for the YN drawing prizes (every YN wins something!), including an ANACS MS65 RB 1909-VDB to celebrate the day. Hope y'all remember Abe on the 12th!



Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!

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