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My wife has a clad bicentennial Ike I would grade at least m.s. 66 is it worth slabbing ?

My wife had a bunch of slider Ikes she bought for 2 dollars a coin from some scumbag telemarketer, I told her to spend them [which we recently did after we convinced the guy shoveling snow they weren't Canadian] image.

Anyway also in a drawer I found a raw 76 Bicentennial Ike with great luster & surfaces at least 66 quality but I know nothing about Ikes so is it worth slabbing or just to common ?

The President claims he didn't lie about taxes for those earning less then $250,000 a year with public mandated health insurance yet his own justice department has said they will use the right of the government to tax when the states appeals go to court.


  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    If it's clad, well worth it. Minor room for gain if it is silver.
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  • MacCoinMacCoin Posts: 2,544 ✭✭
    why not a slab ain't going to hurt it any. it will be worth at lest $12.00

    I hate it when you see my post before I can edit the spelling.

    Always looking for nice type coins

    my local dealer
  • barberloverbarberlover Posts: 2,228 ✭✭

    << <i>If it's clad, well worth it. Minor room for gain if it is silver. >>

    I just looked, it's clad, what would it be worth if it 66'd ? If it 67'd ?

    The President claims he didn't lie about taxes for those earning less then $250,000 a year with public mandated health insurance yet his own justice department has said they will use the right of the government to tax when the states appeals go to court.
  • coinkatcoinkat Posts: 23,022 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Check to see if it is type I or type II. The block lettering on the reverse is the key to distinguishing the difference. I believe the type ones are more desirable especially in a high grade. Did the coin come from a Mint Set?

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  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    If it graded MS67, you could buy a nice high-end computer system and get off Web TV. image

    Russ, NCNE
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,777 ✭✭✭
    Any clad Ike in PCGS MS67 will bring 4 figures.

    In 66, the order of difficulty making a 66 is

    1976-P T1 (pop 19/0) Hardest
    1976-D T1 (pop 132/2)
    1976-P T2 (pop 233/8)
    1976-D T2 (pop 559/22) Easiest

    I think a 76-D in MS66 now sells down in the $60 range. And a 76-P T2 is about $150-200. T1 ones higher, specially the P mint (over $500 I think)
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