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Coins and genetics: any twins out there?

Greetings, All --

Do you suppose that the inclination to collect coins (or to collect something) is genetic? Do any of you have an identical twin? If so, does he or she collect coins with the same enthusiasm that you do? Taking it a step farther, does he or she collect the same series that you do?

This might make a good Ph.D. thesis...



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    cladkingcladking Posts: 28,453 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great question but the odds of identical twins here is very poor.

    Tempus fugit.
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    Speaking of twins and a Ph.D. thesis, I know two identical twins both of whom were professional golfers [club pros]. One was married with a family and the other was homosexual. A little OT, but I always thought they would have been a fascinating study.
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    Why would they have been an interesting study?


    The frequecy of identical twins is 4 per 1000 births. With about 12,000 Peoplebeing members of the CU forum, there should be about 48 forum members who have an identical twin.
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    BustmanBustman Posts: 1,911
    I have twin girls, but they are only 2 years old. I'll get back to you in a few years.
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    EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,859 ✭✭✭✭✭
    One was married with a family and the other was homosexual.

    I wonder how this single example (and without much detail) affects the nature vs nurture argument behind homosexuality?


    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

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    I have identical twins, and I can tell the lady with the small ones - good luck - were yours premature?! Altho both twins are unique, there have been times when they swapped personalities. They are VERY tight - you don't mess with one, without messing with the other.........and they only collect the coins that I give them on birthdays and Christmas. One is on active duty in Air Guard, and a cop - the other is in IT and works for NASA, and both have provided me with some wonderful grandchildren. The odd thing, according to doctor, is that one is a diabetic, and has been since Age 13 - and the other is NOT. My theory, since they were really premature, is that his pancreas did not fully develop.
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    I was premature by two months and I do have problems from it...my eyes did not develop all the way in size...though I can see, but I am legally blind without my glasses....My eyeballs are to small for the sockets causing the muscles to be to long...but no one can tell by looking at me...just that I wear very strong glasses...Vision 20 x 2400...but with the new thin plastic lenses they have developed it helps alot.
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    Condor101 PM sent

    EVP, Twin studies, even singular examples, have long been a backbone of genetic research [obviously because of the identical genetic inheritance]. These brothers would make an interesting study from the nurture vs nature perspective, though it is surely a very complex issue and not one for this forum.

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