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Guess the grade

As a new member, I have to ask,... when you do the grade guessing polls, are these strictly for fun, developing and honing each others' abilities, or a combination? Either way, it's a great learning experience for me, especially for those types I have zero knowledge about.
The Rede we live by: If it harms none, do what you will.


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    I think different people have different reasons for asking about grades. I think for the more experienced folks they enjoy baiting each other. I think most of the newer folks are trying to find out what they have and see if they got a good deal or not. It is kinda fun to try to figure out the grades and you get a chance to see a lot of COOL coins.
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    Prometheus, very few of us here are professional graders.
    There are a few who would probably qualify but most of us are
    simply trying to learn the art of grading.
    If I see a picture that shows me something I'm familiar with, I'll
    speak up and 99% of the time, nobody puts me down for it.

    If I'm really not sure about the pic, I'll just check all the other
    posts and try to learn more about that coin.

    This is a win/win forum.
    You can stand back and learn, or
    you can jump in and make some friends.

    By the way, welcome aboard !

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    dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,692 ✭✭✭

    K S

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