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A 65 grade Saint for $ 2150 ? I think not

Today I received a call from a salesman representing one of those coin clearinghouses in Texas. You know the guy, reading from a script and procaiming that he has a tremendous investment opportunity. What he had in actual fact, were rolls of 2002 Platinum Eagles and 1986 $25 Gold Eagles. Are you kidding me? Then he asked me what I collect and I said $ 10 Indians MS64 and St Gaudens MS65-MS66.
He then proceeded to inform me how rare those coins are in those grades and that it may require an exhaustive search on his part to locate one, and that he would get back to me. About an hour later he called back with " Good News". He found a 65 Saint for me at only $ 2150. When I informed him that I could currently buy a 66 Saint for just $ 125 more ($ 2275) he had little else to say. Who buys from these guys?


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    What I would want to know if I were you is how he found out that you collect coins and your phone number!
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    More than likely I signed up for some coin promotion-givaway at a show a few years back. They call about two or three times per year and each time it is a different individual. I don't mind being called be salespeople but these guys have nothing I'm ever interested in. Does anybody really want a roll of 1986 $25 Gold Eagles ?
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    Send them my way. I love to "talk" to these kinds of folks. Much like the people who called me to inform me that I was approved for a Chase Platinum Card, and all they needed was the transfer number from my checkbook. <place maniacle laugh here>
    The Rede we live by: If it harms none, do what you will.

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