Some better slabbed world coins (1558-1940)- open to inquiries

Just a quickie preliminary listing- I'm open for offers. No pics- just thought I'd make a passing mention of a few. There are others, of course. Some of these might be familiar to some of y'all.
1558 German States (Saxony) thaler, ANACS EF40, nice grey toning. I have $250 invested. Want at least $265. Pedigree: ajaan.
1595 German States (Saxony) "Three Brothers" thaler, D-9820, ANACS EF40, medium grey tone. Think I have around $160 in it. Want something over $175. Pedigree: ajaan.
1913 German States (Bavaria) 3-mark pattern by Goetz. (Pn16). Struck in copper. NGC PF65. Wild magenta and lavender toning- must be seen to be appreciated. A monster. I have $250 in it and would sell at my cost plus shipping. Pedigree: greattoning.
1918-R Eritrea (Italian) 1 tallero, NGC AU55. Thanks to some fortuitous trading, I have next to nothing but grading fees in this one. It catalogs over $100 in EF and over $400 in UNC, as I recall. Pedigree: Aethelred (raw). I submitted it (through mongoose) and just got it back. Much more "wiggle room" on this because of my lower cost, but I ain't gonna give it away.
1927 India (British) 1/4 anna, ANACS MS63 RB. I'm surprised it wasn't graded full red (RD), because it is. Can't remember what I have in it. Not much. Got it in our FUN show private swapmeet. Pedigree: Aethelred (probably via ajaan originally?)
1805 Ireland gilt proof halfpenny, NGC PF61. Very light cameo contrast. One of my old icon coins that finally made it into a slab. Wouldn't be selling it, but an upgrade to boiler78's monster PF64 CAM penny is in the works. I have $245 plus grading fees in it. Would sell it for around $265, I reckon.
1940 Ireland halfpenny, NGC AU55 BN. Nice brown coin. NGC put it backward in the slab for some reason, though- piggies to the front, harp to the rear. Oh well. Don't have much in it- 'twas an extra from the days when I collected a complete set of Irish predecimal coins. These get pricey above EF. I can sell this at a nice price, however. (Once again, I ain't gonna give it away, though.)
1558 German States (Saxony) thaler, ANACS EF40, nice grey toning. I have $250 invested. Want at least $265. Pedigree: ajaan.
1595 German States (Saxony) "Three Brothers" thaler, D-9820, ANACS EF40, medium grey tone. Think I have around $160 in it. Want something over $175. Pedigree: ajaan.
1913 German States (Bavaria) 3-mark pattern by Goetz. (Pn16). Struck in copper. NGC PF65. Wild magenta and lavender toning- must be seen to be appreciated. A monster. I have $250 in it and would sell at my cost plus shipping. Pedigree: greattoning.
1918-R Eritrea (Italian) 1 tallero, NGC AU55. Thanks to some fortuitous trading, I have next to nothing but grading fees in this one. It catalogs over $100 in EF and over $400 in UNC, as I recall. Pedigree: Aethelred (raw). I submitted it (through mongoose) and just got it back. Much more "wiggle room" on this because of my lower cost, but I ain't gonna give it away.
1927 India (British) 1/4 anna, ANACS MS63 RB. I'm surprised it wasn't graded full red (RD), because it is. Can't remember what I have in it. Not much. Got it in our FUN show private swapmeet. Pedigree: Aethelred (probably via ajaan originally?)
1805 Ireland gilt proof halfpenny, NGC PF61. Very light cameo contrast. One of my old icon coins that finally made it into a slab. Wouldn't be selling it, but an upgrade to boiler78's monster PF64 CAM penny is in the works. I have $245 plus grading fees in it. Would sell it for around $265, I reckon.
1940 Ireland halfpenny, NGC AU55 BN. Nice brown coin. NGC put it backward in the slab for some reason, though- piggies to the front, harp to the rear. Oh well. Don't have much in it- 'twas an extra from the days when I collected a complete set of Irish predecimal coins. These get pricey above EF. I can sell this at a nice price, however. (Once again, I ain't gonna give it away, though.)