difference between cross-overs and upgrades

in Q & A Forum
I apologize for not being clear on this, but I think I have it figured out. Please tell me if I'm correct on these points.
1. A submission of any non-PCGS slab would be a cross-over submission.
2. A submission of a cross-over does not preclude a coin from upgrading as well as crossing.
3. An upgrade coin might include a PCGS slabbed coin or another slab, but to upgrade the coin must, in the opinion of PCGS, beat the grade on the slab submitted.
I hope I have this right, as I am looking forward to submitting this month.
1. A submission of any non-PCGS slab would be a cross-over submission.
2. A submission of a cross-over does not preclude a coin from upgrading as well as crossing.
3. An upgrade coin might include a PCGS slabbed coin or another slab, but to upgrade the coin must, in the opinion of PCGS, beat the grade on the slab submitted.
I hope I have this right, as I am looking forward to submitting this month.
I brake for ear bars.