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"girlmaverick" on eBay...

...retracted a bid from one of my auctions. OK. So I check feedback before banning the ID from future bids. 29 (twenty-nine) bid retractions in the past 6 months. At what point does eBay suspend or warn somebody. How many "entered wrong bid amounts" before we seek professional help or typing class? "girlmaverick": this week's strong feedback percentage power-tool.



  • carew4mecarew4me Posts: 3,473 ✭✭✭✭
    At what point does eBay suspend or warn somebody? ONLY WHEN THEY DONT PAY THEIR INVOICE

    Loves me some shiny!
  • EBAY?


    Always wanting odd-ball Nolan Ryan's.
  • I don't know girlmaverick...
    but when I first started on ebay a few years ago, I used to retract bids like crazy...
    I used to retract my bid whenever I was outbid by what I perceived or suspected to be a shill bidder bidding me up or even outbidding me.
    I used to be more paranoid, so, I accumulated a lot of retractions.

    It was my was of telling a seller that I didn't appreciate that they would permit such bidding activity on their auctions...
    Now, I just bid smarter... or maybe I just don't care as much...
    maybe I am just not as uptight...

    in any case, once I retracted like ten bids in a week and I received an email from eBay that warned me that my account could be suspended if I kept retracting bids etc...
    it was rather vague...

  • ydsotter,

    I hope you're not implying that there was anything wrong with a bidding pattern on one of my auctions. Your whole story is completely irrelevant to the point of the thread. There was no shilling, etc. as you suggest. I would suggest you put the proverbial sock in it unless you have something to add that is worthwhile. "Girlmaverick" retracts and it should be noted. Simple as that.

  • ouch!
  • I wasn't implying anything negative about you. I was only telling a story of my early days on eBay... and why I retracted so many bids.

    It appeared that you were searching to answers for why someone new might have so many bid retractions. If anything, I was "implying" that it didn't have anything to do with you.... or try to offer a more comforting explanation.
    I was only suggesting that some bidders are ultra paranoid.

    I have no idea what your ebay id is and I would only assume from your standing on these boards that you are a good seller.

    Why would you even think I was dumping on you?
    What have I EVER written on these boards that would make you think that I would suggest that you are less reputable than the weenie bidding and retracting on your auctions?

    man! OUCH is right... and then to tell me that my post is irrelevant and I have nothing to offer... and to put a proverbial sweaty foot garment in my mouth... that's not nice to say.

  • Kid4hof03Kid4hof03 Posts: 1,866 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow, maybe it's just me being sensitive or uninformed but that seemed pretty uncalled for. Reminds me of why I don't post that often, hate to have the "board gods" tell you that you have nothing to offer.
    Collecting anything and everything relating to Roger Staubach
  • BugOnTheRugBugOnTheRug Posts: 1,611 ✭✭✭
    yep..........a little over the top............no need to pound a sledgehammer when a 3oz ball-pein would do..........

  • image

    i think they give people medication for those types of episodes.
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