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Coin Show Report - Parisppany, NJ

Today I went to the monthly, 80 dealer, show in Parsippany, NJ. As usual at this show, the aisles were pretty crowded - floor traffic was about the same as it has been for the past 8 months or so. Several of the bigger dealers were still at Long Beach, but their tables were occupied by other dealers.

I talked to TomB and Airplanenut (Jeremy). Jeremy showed a couple of his toners and Tom showed pictures of his 2 1/2 week-old daughter! (All together now: Awww!) She's a real cutey!

Despite what everyone says about this active market, I saw many of the same coins that I had seen last week at White Plains (and a lot of those coins I've been seeing for the past six months or so). For example, I saw many of the same better-date gold coins that I saw last week (see my White Plains report for details).

(I noticed the same thing at this past summer's ANA. I went the first day and saw a lot of O-mint gold. All those coins were still there the next day.)

I guess I'm just looking for coins that others aren't. At least I get several months to make up my mind about a purchase!

Interestingly, I saw a dealer with FIVE NGC-slabbed 1871 dollars, in grades from VF-20 to XF-40. Had I been interested, I could have had the great pleasure (and fulfilled every collector's dream) of actually comparing several coins and picking one I liked, as opposed to searching for the coins over several months and having to keep mental pictures of each coin.

Also, the oddest thing happened: I was looking for a 1903-O Morgan and saw two of them in MS-64. One dealer had a PCGS-slabbed coin and the other had an NGC slabbed coin. Grey Sheet Bid for this coin is $43 in -64 and $88 in -65. When asked for a price, the first dealer (the PCGS coin) looked at his price code on the back of the slab and said "$100". The second dealer pulled out this week's Grey Sheet and then said "$95"! I was so surprised that I went to a friend of mine and looked at his copy of the Grey Sheet to make sure I hadn't written the prices down wrong! Either both dealers thought their coins were "lock" upgrades (although neither said so) or they just didn't like me or that coin trades at higher prices than the Grey Sheet would lead you to believe. I'd appreciate it if any Morgan experts would offer an opinion (besides saying that they just didn't like me!)

Check out the Southern Gold Society


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