Lincoln 1996P PCGS MS68RD Pop 40/0 For Sale
Posts: 105
For sale......
Lincoln 1996P PCGS MS68RD Pop 40/0
$180.00 delivered!!
Lincoln 1996P PCGS MS68RD Pop 40/0
$180.00 delivered!!
$167.50 on 10/15
$145.86 on 11/2
$150 on 11/11
$104.50 on 1/21.
The price on this particular date has fallen quite a bit in the last 6 months. Sorry but them is the facts!
I had 2 of these coins. I sold one of them 2 weeks ago for $200.
The 4 sales you spoke of are not the ONLY sales happening out there.
I stand firm on my price.
I just sold this coin for my asking price of $180.
Better add this sale to your list mustangman.
No problem mustangman.....
Being married is costly, uh??
What I hear most is people telling me they must consult with
their wife about purchases.....coins, guns, boats, cigars, etc......
I guess I am lucky in that way....married my high school sweethart
30 years ago and did the best to fetch her up MY way.
It has worked out pretty well.....she is really a cheapskate and I am
the I think it all evens out.
She has never wanted anything to do with the checkbook or financial
matters so I take care of the money, give her whatever she wants
(which is never much) and I do my own thing.
I suppose if I had a low income it would be different but I have been
pretty lucky in my life and grateful for it.
Off the subject again but you don't know anyone that smokes premium
cigars do you? I have about 40 fresh boxes of premium cigars I want to
sell at a very deep discount!!
Not to offense taken here mustangman.
Have a good one.........Michael