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Gold breaks $400!!!



  • fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭
    I recently saw an article that said, basically, that the average dollar invested in stocks during 1985 to 2002 returned only 3%. Wish I recalled where it was, so we could cuss and discuss it.

    I'm still waiting on my Nasdaq 4000 investment to return 12%. Annualized of course. Will it ever happen in one lifetime?

    If it takes 1.5 lifetimes, who cares (besides Merrill and DLJ)?

  • roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I could live with a 50% tax rate as long as those funds were used efficiently. But that's the problem. The majority of that 50% is totally wasted on programs and pork that makes no sense. Imagine the problems we could solve if we returned that money back to the states/individuals where it could do some good.

    What DD and others fail to mention while bashing gold is that at no time in our history have we re-commenced a stock market bull run from such high valuations following a major blow off. That has yet to occur. Simply stated, we are still in the early throes of a bear market with much excess still to blow off. While gold has been a poor investment for 50 or 200 years, it is also a poor investment to bank on something where the preceding 400 years of world history has never been wrong. But this time is different? And no further major correction to stocks will occur ONLY because our FED has a handle on the situation. Righto! Frankly, I'll bet on tangibles rather than disregard 400 years of recorded American and European stock market cycles.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
  • Mr. Roadrunner, even if that 50% taxation level were used 100% efficiently, it would still be immoral and indefensible. ANY tax that isn't voluntarily given is theft. Why does anyone, including nameless, faceless bureaucrats, have the right to take my money?

    Check my sig line for more info and ideas.
  • I forgot to mention, inflation is another form of theft also.
  • fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    Roadrunner, you'll never hear a peep about stock valuations on this board! image

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