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Am I wasting my time???

Its probably been a year since I've submitted anything and I find myself checking my submission status 3-4 times/day! Am I wasting my time or will they email me right when the grades are posted?
Collecting Vintage Boxing Cards


  • sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. I do the same thing when I have a submission in......I can't wait to find out my grades..
  • You're probably wasting your time - but I do it too. I have a submission that is "due" today and I've been checking at least once an hour all day.
    John Vineyard

  • gameusedhoopgameusedhoop Posts: 3,594 ✭✭✭✭
    Just went through that myself. Kept checking every hour or so. Turns out that the grades posted about 3 hours before an email was sent. It's not a waste of time if you're on the computer anyway. It seems that the grades popped about 3pm EST, and the emails came about 6pm. Good Luck!
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭
    It is a well known fact that the more times you check, the sooner you will get your grades. It is the same principle that causes the elevator to get to you faster the more times you press the button.
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