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Superior & Goldberg.....whats up with these guys???

I won one Superior lot in Monday's bidding and one Superior lot in Tuesday's bidding. Noted very clearily I wanted them delivered to Long Beach show. I called Superior Tuesday afternoon to pay and was told to call back Weds am. Did so and was to told to call back in afternoon....then call back Thursday am and now told to call back Thursday afternoon and MAYBE they could get it to Long Beach (before the show closes). Still can't pay. And Goldberg - same thing and they're not even sure they can deliver it to Long Beach. I realize they sell alot of lots but come on guys, this isn't rocket science! I have a customer number, I have a CC to pay and its only one lot. Perhaps both these auctions companies need to follow suit with PCGS and start posting estimated turn around times on their website (hmmm....calendar days or business days) for how long it takes to generate an invoice. OK, I've vented my frustration - as if anyone cares! Anyone else frustrated with these guys?
If I had it my way, stupidity would be painful!


  • RKKayRKKay Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭
    At the pattern session, Superior said they'd deliver the lots to LB today. Whether they will or not is another question.image
  • If I posted this I would be getting replys like...there war in the middle east, unemployment, poverty, people freezing it the street, etc. and I'm worried about (fill in the blank). I'll be watching for replys to you.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    c'mon dude. your dealing w/ the mafia w/ 1 of them, the other your dealing w/ displaced cow-town hillbillies.

    K S
  • LAWMANLAWMAN Posts: 1,274 ✭✭
    dorkkarl: I gott know. Which one is mafia and which is cow-town whatever. I've been thinking about this all day and I won't be able to sleep tonight .. . .
  • LAWMANLAWMAN Posts: 1,274 ✭✭
    that would be "gotta know" -- see how excited I am about this??
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    Not that I have any idea what Dork is talking about, but does Goldberg sound like a mafia name? That should narrow down whatever he is trying to say image
  • I am so tempted to........nevermind.image
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    silvano d'genova (or something like that) don't sound like mafia to you???

    & have you ever actually TALKED w/ the goldbergs?

    K S

    (ps this was all in jest)
  • I called Wednesday to purchase and have Superior deliver my coin to LB Show. They did and I had a positive experience. Thank you Martin and Glenn!
    Constellatio Collector sevenoften@hotmail.com
    "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!"
    "If it don't make $"
    "It don't make cents""
  • Stay away from both as only bad experiences can be had. BM and ANR are much classier and fair.
    Collector of early copper, pre 1900 currency, PCGS MS64+ Saints.
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    I have been dealing with the Goldbergs for a long time and have never had

    a bad experience nor have they ever failed to keep a promise.I consider them one of the major

    ethical houses in the coin auction field.
    There once was a place called
  • Superior and Goldberg are both decent auction houses. My favorite right now is ANR. They are one fantastic organization, and it will only get better with time.
    www.jaderarecoin.com - Updated 6/8/06. Many new coins added!

    Our eBay auctions - TRUE auctions: start at $0.01, no reserve, 30 day unconditional return privilege & free shipping!
  • StuartStuart Posts: 9,761 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I remember seeing that a local Houston Investment Company "Stanford Financial Group" either purchased Superior or has taken a significant equity interest in them. I have a good friend who works at Stanford Financial Group, and I should give him a call to ask if he's aware that they have invested in the rare coin business...

    Any other forum members with observations or insight into Stanford's participation in Superior ??


    Collect 18th & 19th Century US Type Coins, Silver Dollars, $20 Gold Double Eagles and World Crowns & Talers with High Eye Appeal

    "Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity"
  • mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Superior and Goldberg are both decent auction houses. My favorite right now is ANR. They are one fantastic organization, and it will only get better with time. >>

    I agree with you on ANR. Great service and attention to details.

    I'm recommending them to my clients as "the" auction house to use now.

    TP image
    Asking tem to deliver lots to a show is asking a bit much.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Stay away from both as only bad experiences can be had. BM and ANR are much classier and fair. >>

    Newb with four posts and a hidden profile digs up a two month old thread to post that. image

    Russ, NCNE
  • onlyroosiesonlyroosies Posts: 3,292 ✭✭✭✭
    Russ, I was thinking the same thing. Looks like someone with a grudge to me.

    Might be a grudge or it might be someone promoting a relatioinship they have or a piece of the pie they own.

    Who knows?

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