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Why Are there NO "ANACONDA" or "GSAGUY" Type Morgans in ANACS Holders?



  • ArtRArtR Posts: 474 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Moreover, they had that telltale attractive yellow toning around the borders, an indication to me that these particular coins were formerly in NGC holders. >>

    True many were in NGC holders.


    << <i> He bought most at the price a white coin was sold for. >>

    I can't speak of the coins T Cork owned 20 years ago, but I do know that the most of the Great toned dollars he came up with in the last couple of years were bought from one dealer, and regardless of what he said he didn't pay white coin money for them.
    If It doesn't have great eye appeal, I don't want it.
  • gemtone65gemtone65 Posts: 901 ✭✭✭
    Stman: Thanks for the offer to post my Goldberg ANACS coin. I'll do that tonight. While I'm at it, I'll also send you scans of the my other 2 ANACS coins which I think the forum members would like to see.

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