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What's This? Ebay introducing mutual feedback withdrawal??

This is the latest Ebay announcement. I for one think this is a good idea and long overdue!

Our goal with feedback continues to be rooted in enabling safe trading practices and encouraging interactions consistent with our marketplace values.

As such, we are happy to introduce Mutual Feedback Withdrawal, a new policy that gives members more options in removing feedback ratings. Effective the week of February 9th, this new policy enables two members, who have already agreed, to withdraw their feedback.

Driven by Community demand for choices about withdrawing feedback, this policy addresses common issues over inadvertent and regretted feedback. Please note that members can still use SquareTrade to help resolve disputes and/or address feedback issues when you and another member cannot satisfactorily resolve a dispute, or the other member doesn't respond to mediation requests.

The Mutual Feedback Withdrawal policy includes the following key components:

Withdrawn feedback means the feedback rating, which can impact the member's feedback score, is removed. The text of the feedback comment, however, will remain in the Member Profile.

To help people understand the withdrawn feedback comment, the following note will be placed in the Member Profile: "Rating Withdrawn: Buyer and seller mutually agreed to withdraw feedback for this item". In cases where one member did not participate in SquareTrade mediation, the administrative note will be "Rating withdrawn: Member who left this feedback did not respond to formal mediation request".

The Member Profile will include the total number of times a member has withdrawn feedback.
We encourage our members to review the comprehensive FAQ on the process and policy surrounding Mutual Feedback Withdrawal.

Each feedback rating – whether positive, neutral, or negative – is part of a member's personal reputation and enables trust in the eBay Marketplace. We hope that you find that this policy helps you continue to build a complete reputation by trading with honesty, fairness and respect.

If you have suggestions, please email them to us at feedbackdesign@ebay.com.



  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    eBay should be a happy place imageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimage
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • I don't think that will help much, you will still have your idiots that will leave negative feedback that has never contacted you to resolve anything. I think some ebayers just like to give negative feedback without trying to contact you about it.
  • Yup, the people who neg out of spite won't agree to a mutual withdrawl
    Robert Getty - Lifetime project to complete the finest collection of 1872 dated coins.
  • let's see ~ I neg someone because they welch out on an auction, they retailiate with a negative, and I either live with the undeserved negative or let myself be strong armed into agreeing to remove their much deserved negative so that I don't get a retaliatory negative ~ sounds like typical EBay fairness to me image
  • Won't help a bit...............
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ...........and the suggestion by another forum member which would be sensible will probably never be implemented-----neither parties feedback shows or is credited until both parties have posted.

    al h.image

  • Do we really need a feedback system on Ebay. Crooks are just crooks. No matter what.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    it's a conspiracy! a seedy, sneaky, underhanded cloak-&-dagger conspiracy, i tell ya!

    K S

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