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Please Explain the CDN Certified Market Indicator-- I'm a Reasonably Intelligent Person but I can't

What is the CDN Certified Market Indicator (that box of seemingly important looking information on the front page oif the CDN with the numbers and averages) and what is it measuring? Why is ICG's average so high? What are the high and low measuring?

In plain English, what exactly is going on there? What does their July 1988 Supplement say that is supposed to explain the whole thing? Does anybody have it to quote from or explain?

I have tried and tried to understand what this is saying and what it measures but I'm having a brainfart about the whole thing. Help?


  • RittenhouseRittenhouse Posts: 565 ✭✭✭
    Figures don't lie but liars can figure.
  • RonyahskiRonyahski Posts: 3,117 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry Lawman, I don't get it either. Waiting for help as well.
    Some refer to overgraded slabs as Coffins. I like to think of them as Happy Coins.
  • I called them and the best i could understand is this..... It's the percentage of dealers who agree with the grade on the holder once they have actually seen the coin. That's how i understood it. I might be wrong. So, dealers agree with the PCGS grade about 82% on average. PCI only 56% of the time dealers agree with the grade. If I'm not correct on my understanding....someone please help! Adam from Miamiimage
  • I was thinking this percentage had to do with the blue-sheet sight-unseen
    bid price for a coin in a certain holder compared to the gray sheet sight-seen
    bid price for that same coin. Essentially, a relative confidence scale in a
    particular grading company (Though the % for each company can very greatly
    for different series, coins, and/or grades.

    For example, If a certain Morgan dollar in MS65 was gray sheet bid at
    $1,000, and PCGS blue-sheet sight-unseen bid at $800, then the PCGS
    percentage on that coin & grade would be 80%. This is somehow
    combined for all coins/grades with both gray sheet and blue sheet prices
    for each service.

    Then again, I could be wrong!

    I don't have a current copy, but that would seem strange that ICG's %
    would be so high. I would expect PCGS to be #1 and NGC #2.


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