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new state quarters

does anyone know offhand when the next state quarter comes out and which state? I collect these for my grandchilluns, and don't want to miss out.


  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,527 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Florida in mid-March.
    Tempus fugit.
  • Neptune: You can keep up with the 50 state quarters program on the U.S. Mint's web site.

    Here is the line-up for this year:

    Michigan: just released this week

    Each of the subsequent designs gets released approximately 10 weeks after its predecessor.

    edit: typo
  • I think I'll actually get a Mint Set this year, since Florida is coming out... should I go with the Whole Thing, or just the State Quarters? Regular or Silver? Hmmm... it'll probally all come down to $$$
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,527 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I think I'll actually get a Mint Set this year, since Florida is coming out... should I go with the Whole Thing, or just the State Quarters? Regular or Silver? Hmmm... it'll probally all come down to $$$ >>

    There will be four options for all the states issues. There will be a standard proof set,
    a states quarters clad proof set, a silver proof set, and a mint set. Go with what your
    budget and desires dictate but the mint set holds the most interest for me. It will keep
    all the regular issue collections up to date and will usually include some nice gems. The
    proof set are of course more attractive though.
    Tempus fugit.
  • I was wondering why Michigan didn't get released until January 26th, when, in the past the first state quarter of the year was released closer to the first of the year. Then it hit me, Michigan is the 26th state. image
  • Question: Do most of these Supremely Top Pop high MS grade Moderns come out of the Uncirculated Sets? or Rolls?
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,527 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Question: Do most of these Supremely Top Pop high MS grade Moderns come out of the Uncirculated Sets? or Rolls? >>

    Perhaps most importantly is where the nice attractive gems come from and generally they
    come primarilly from the sets,

    We've been discussing this a lot lately. The answer seems to depend on which coin you're
    talking about and who you're talking to. There aren't rolls of most f the older dimes and quar-
    ters so here it is almost universally mint sets. The cents seem to vary dependent on date
    but most of the later ones are mint sets and the earlier ones are either. Halfs are mostly
    mint sets but there are dates that are virtually non-existent in mint sets as gems. Ikes tend
    to be rolls but a few are sets. SBA's are mostly rolls also.

    It's possible part of the reason that opinion varies is that grading varies. Mint set coins are
    almost universally well struck at least in comparison to roll coins so if you care a lot about
    strike then you'll tend to favor mint sets and if you primarilly prize clean surfaces then you'll
    often prefer rolls. Perhaps this will become more clear as time goes on.

    first paragraph added.
    Tempus fugit.
  • Richbeat,

    Actually it wasn't release until the 26th because the state requested it to be that day to coincide with the 167th anniversary of the state joining the Union.
  • Thanks Conder, didn't know they had made that request. image

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