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OT.........Virus Warning

I have already received 2-3 dozen of these e-mails........ DO NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENT if you receive this type of mail:

'Mydoom' worm strikes computers

Computer users are advised to update anti-virus software
A malicious new computer virus spread via e-mail is clogging networks and may allow unauthorised access to personal computers, experts warn.
The worm, called Mydoom or Novarg, is carried as an e-mail attachment and sends itself out to new e-mail addresses once opened by the recipient.

The virus may also open a "back door" to the computer to give hackers access.

"As far as I can tell right now, it's pretty much everywhere on the planet," said one anti-virus expert.

Thousands of e-mails triggered by the worm were bombarding networks within hours of its discovery, warned Vincent Gullotto, vice-president of California-based Network Associates' emergency response team.

'Technical thing'

Unlike many of its predecessors, Mydoom does not entice the recipient to open the attachment by promising nude pictures or personal messages.

Instead, the e-mail carrying the virus often bears the subject "Test" or "Status". The message inside may read: "The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment".

"Because that sounds like a technical thing, people may be more apt to think it's legitimate," the Associated Press news agency quoted Steve Trilling of Symantec, an anti-virus company, as saying.

The worm only affects computers which use Microsoft Windows.

Users who delete or ignore the e-mail attachment - which usually ends .exe, .scr, .zip, .cmd or .pif - avoid damage.

Hacker watch

Symantec said the worm also appeared to contain a programme that recorded keystrokes entered on infected machines. This could allow it to collect usernames and passwords from unsuspecting users.

Other companies said the virus, once fully activated, told Windows to receive instructions from another computer.

However, other companies did not detect such capabilities.

Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

International Coins
"A work in progress"

eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com


  • Thanks for the info Wayne image

  • Just be careful.

    This worm (virus) is sent under random user names and does not always have a message written and only an attachment.
    Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
    1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

    International Coins
    "A work in progress"

    eBay registered name:
    Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
    e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
  • Yep...

    I have received several (as have many others) at work so far today.

    ANA Member R-213302
  • AvarelAvarel Posts: 143 ✭✭
    Yep, we've received several hundred emails already since yesterday afternoon but keeping your AV updated should take care of you, though educated users is the best defense really. Interestingly, it has a DoS package to hit sco.com come 2/1.

    Christo Duce Vincamus

    Pro Deo Et Patria
  • Well, I was trying to give heads up to anyone not aware.
    Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
    1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

    International Coins
    "A work in progress"

    eBay registered name:
    Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
    e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
  • mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,549 ✭✭✭
    I got an email this morning titled "Virus in email TEST". It had an attachment. I deleted it without opening it.
    National Register Of Big Trees

    We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
  • mdwoods... That is one of many, many titles, descriptions it may have. You are correct to not open this stuff.
    Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
    1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

    International Coins
    "A work in progress"

    eBay registered name:
    Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
    e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
  • 1jester1jester Posts: 8,637 ✭✭✭
    VIRUS ALERT!!! Woodie seen on the Darkside!!!image

    Thanks for the alert, Newbie!


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