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Strong prices being seen for Dollars!! (opinions)

jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,657 ✭✭✭✭✭
This was commented by several members in other topics prior to the Holiday break. Several were of the opinion that silver dollar prices were going to get hot and take off at the start of the FUN show and continue into mid summer. From what I am hearing and seeing, it looks to be happening as we speak with a vengeance. Especially the PCGS/NGC certified better date coins with nice eye-appeal. Even though dollar prices took some strong advancement prior to the end of the year for dates like the 89-cc, 92-s , 93-s, 94-p, 95-s and several others, does this appear to be happening based on other's perception.

Intrested in hearing comments from the dollar specialists like JB stevens and others?

jim d


  • JamericonJamericon Posts: 438 ✭✭✭
    Not a specialist in this area nor do I collect many dollars, but I can say this. Purchased a 81-CC Morgan one year ago for $368. Just turned it on eBay for $467! In that same time period, GSB is up $75. IMO and as I have seen, dollars are very hot. Over the last year price levels are up in all arenas and so are asking prices by well known dealers. It seems these coins hold the market in some respect. I only see them going farther!
    Jamie Yakes - U.S. paper money collector, researcher, and author. | Join the SPMCUS Small-Size Notes, National Bank Notes, and NJ Depression Scrip
  • What is "GSB"?
  • JamericonJamericon Posts: 438 ✭✭✭
    Grey Sheet Bid.
    Jamie Yakes - U.S. paper money collector, researcher, and author. | Join the SPMCUS Small-Size Notes, National Bank Notes, and NJ Depression Scrip
  • jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,657 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Actually 880.00 for a fair -2 is pretty strong. Two years ago, you could have picked up a solid 8 for that!

    and 5 days yet to go!
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    Right Jim.
    I forgot my sarcastic smiley!

    that prices seems borderline INSANE.
  • jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,657 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Check out the 1889-cc PCGS-55 that great-service has. Theres quite a few a lookin at this one, Probably will eclipse 7500.00

    Combonation of nice for grade, a 55 and green holder, that should really get it up there.

    1889 cc PCGS-55

  • I've already said it..... they'll be going up for some time.... If they come down.... I have a stockpile of $ to buy all of key date 28' that come my way.....

    Please.... let me average down.....lol....
  • I believe Morgans will have price increases for most of this year or even longer. Just this week the common date ms66's went up $19 bid $30 ask ($254/$280). I paid ask ($250) for these just 2 weeks ago at the FUN show. This is a big price jump. I still believe the greysheet is behind in pricing especially CC's and DMPL's. To me the price of a common date 64DMPL is at $168 (up $13 this week) this is still VERY cheap for what these coins are.

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