Received my RCM catalog in the mail today. It included the $8 bear. Apparently the face value is based on $8 polar bear stamps I couldn't help but think - what's next?
I also noticed This in the catalog. Looks like the RCM has come up with another great toning package! Apparently they are available for 22k, 14k and Sterling Silver dollar coins. The picture in the catalog shows naked gold coins that must have been pushed into the leather slots with a thumb, just like Whitman folders. Toning and a great thumb print all in one!
R.I.P. Wayne, Brad Collecting: Conder tokens 19th & 20th Century coins from Great Britain and the Realm
Has anyone seen this other new coin offered in the RCM mailer? It's the 50th anniversary of the start of construction for the St. Lawrence Seaway. Another great ship coin! Only problem is Gatewest Coin is selling it for US $217.45 (Can $100.00 face value)
If Chinese people say the word eight in Cantonese several times it sounds like the word for wealth and that is the reason for the "funny" mintage figure.
I saw the $8 coin. I might buy it on a lark if it was just the coin, but there is 2 $8 stamps in the set and I do not collect stamps, so don't want to buy $16 + worth that I have no use for.
Bruce, just slap the stamps on the next package that you mail that needs lots of postage. No need to collect them, let someone else collect the cancelled version of the stamp. Who knows, a cancelled $8 stamp my be worth more the the un-cancelled stamp some day. Besides, a young stamp collector might get one of them and you would be making their day.
R.I.P. Wayne, Brad Collecting: Conder tokens 19th & 20th Century coins from Great Britain and the Realm
I couldn't help but think - what's next?
I also noticed This in the catalog. Looks like the RCM has come up with another great toning package! Apparently they are available for 22k, 14k and Sterling Silver dollar coins. The picture in the catalog shows naked gold coins that must have been pushed into the leather slots with a thumb, just like Whitman folders. Toning and a great thumb print all in one!
Conder tokens
19th & 20th Century coins from Great Britain and the Realm
great ship coin! Only problem is Gatewest Coin is selling it for US $217.45 (Can $100.00 face value)
Ebay name: bhil3
Conder tokens
19th & 20th Century coins from Great Britain and the Realm