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A blast from the past ...

Like this is hard: Can you identify this Forum member from one of his auction descriptions from 19 months ago?

<FONT color=navy>"Let me say first of all, that I'm not a coin dealer; I'm barely even a coin <B><I>collector</I></B>. I'm a computer geek. The only thing I collect are Kennedy half dollars and Walking Liberty half dollars.
Because I buy a lot of Kennedy halves, as well as send in quite a few for submission, I frequently end up with extras that don't fit within my own collecting criteria. Those I'll auction here from time-to-time at some nice low prices.
I'll always try to provide good scans of the coins, as well as honest descriptions. As a collector myself, I know how disappointing it is to receive a coin that has glaring faults that, uh, slipped the seller's mind when it was listed.
While we're on the subject, when you see a listing for a modern proof coin graded 66 or 67 described with a boatload of superlatives, you can safely ignore the BS. If it were actually that good, it wouldn't be in a PR66 or PR67 holder. It may be a nice coin, solid for the grade, but it ain't going to be "perfect" or "spectacular" or any other of the many words that we see in listings. Just something I've learned the hard way.
This coin was another of my educational submissions. At first glance a pretty piece, with decent mirrors and a strong cameo contrast, both front and back. But, it has some haze in the fields that kept it from a higher grade."

Hmmm, is the seller still barely a collector? image</FONT>


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