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Fuzzy Math - The Membership renewal discount.

Just received my flyer for renewing my membership.

The letter and the coupon say "10% Savings".

Here's my question. The year subscription is regularly $99 discounted 10% to $89. That I get. What I don't get, the two year subscription is discounted only 5.5% from $179 to $169.

I find that in magazine subscriptions, you end up getting a larger discount the longer you extend your renewal. I understand that the 2 year subscription is somewhat discounted (based on two single year subscriptions of $99 you save $19 when you sign up for two year subscription.

So wouldn't 10% savings mean the two year option is actually around $161? (Actually, this is my question, I was just leading you on above.)

Sometimes it makes me wonder who is running PSA. This is a Marketing 101 mistake. To make it credible, you say something like "Up to 10% off." You should discount the longer renewal extension further.

Any thoughts? I can't afford to renew with my little volume. I'll just piggy back submissions off my neighbor who shall remain conservative, er I mean confidential.
Call me crazy, but I collect 62 Topps BB.

eBay auctions


  • When the man is right he's right.
  • agreed math does not work. Longer subscription should normally result in larger savings- not to mention only 10 free submissions vs. 6. I guess the "10%" discount for the 2 year renewal is supposed to take into effect the reduced postage on the free submissions (6 vs. 10) - need to be a math wiz here

    Second question/concern: if I "early" renew, when does the 2 year renewal period take effect- from now or from the end of my current membership date (I think my current membership ends in March). Just my luck I will wind up losing a month to save THIS "10%".

    Collecting 1967 Topps in psa 9 and 1971 topps in psa 8

  • I joined last February and it looks doubtful that I will join again.

    I used the PSA service only twice (not counting my free submission). I sent one group of less than 10 cards that was lost by the Post Office last summer and another group of 9 cards last week.

    I really am not sure I am going to re-join for $99 or $89. I don't care about SMR magazine which in my view is worthless, and the pop-reports are nice, but not super important in my set-building.

    I guess I'll just wait until I have collected a few more raw cards I want to have graded before I join up again.

    And when I saw the PSA flyer advertising 10% off I could not help but laugh out loud. 10% off of $179 is $17.90 not $10.00. Who is doing the proofreading?
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