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Current values for Russia, 1914?

I went to a show Saturday. It was a pretty sizable show with a lot of good variety, surprisingly not too much on the euro front image But this show was better than most for another reason: I had focus. Yep, I've finally settled down and picked a narrow topic for the collection. From now on I'll be searching for 1914 dated coins of Europe in best conditions possible. Starting out with the 5 powers and will spread to the colonies and others later. But I'll still be picking up the odd coin here and there.

I need your help! My Krause is a 1993 ed and I don't know how far the prices have gone astray. No, I won't be sticking to the book, but I would like to have a realistic idea of what I'm getting into. If you guys have the time, could you list some of the current prices (US XF+) for these countries and this year? I'll ask one at a time so as to not be too much of a bother.. how about GB first? [Thanks, wybrit!] next, France? [Thanks, Laurent!] ..now I just need Russia!

An outline so you don't have to type too much image :
1 kopek
3 kopek
10 kopek
15 kopek
50 kopek
1 ruble

Thanks! image


  • wybritwybrit Posts: 6,972 ✭✭✭
    Spink prices in EF and UNC (bronze UNC prices are for BU full lustre). $1.80/£1:

    farthing: 2, 8
    ½ penny: 5, 30
    penny: 10, 35
    maundy set: 50, 75
    maundy penny: 7, 12
    2 pence maundy: 6, 10
    3 pence: maundy: 8, 15
    3 pence, business strike: 5, 15
    4 pence maundy: 7, 12
    6 pence: 15, 30
    shilling: 25, 45
    florin: 25, 60
    half crown: 25, 65
    crown: none
    half sovereign: London, 35, 55; Sydney, 45, 60
    sovereign: London, ?, 100; Ottawa, 300, ?; Melbourne, Perth and Sydney, ?, 75
    Former owner, Cambridge Gate collection.
  • spoonspoon Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭
    That was quick! Thanks, wybrit image
    Dumb question, just to make sure.. those are in pounds, right?
  • wybritwybrit Posts: 6,972 ✭✭✭
    All are in pounds.
    Former owner, Cambridge Gate collection.
  • farthingfarthing Posts: 3,294 ✭✭✭
    ttt - Spoon edited the question
    R.I.P. Wayne, Brad
    Conder tokens
    19th & 20th Century coins from Great Britain and the Realm
  • spoonspoon Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭
    Sorry about that, Farthing, should've made that clear.

    How about Russia too? I already have the 2 and 20 kopeks, nice BUs image

    1 kopek
    3 kopek
    10 kopek
    15 kopek
    50 kopek
    1 ruble
  • laurentyvanlaurentyvan Posts: 4,243 ✭✭✭
    France, 1914

    1 centime-3.00 XF, 9.50 UNC
    2 centimes-1.25 XF, 5.00 UNC
    5 centimes- RARE, no price given in any grade
    10 centimes-3.50 XF, 14.00 UNC
    25 centimes-7.00 XF, 22.50 UNC
    1 Franc-3.50 XF, 15.00 UNC
    2 Franc- 7.00 XF, $25.00 UNC
    10 Franc- $52.00 XF, $75.00 UNC
    20 Franc- $75.00 XF, $115.00 UNC

    2003 Krause, all prices US

    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
    is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
  • spoonspoon Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭
    Thanks Laurent! image

    Hmm.. that's odd though, the prices are mostly the same as 1993. Except the 1F was listed at $35/U and the 5c at $10 with a mintage of 7 million? I wonder what happened??

    Now I just need price checks on Russia image
  • laurentyvanlaurentyvan Posts: 4,243 ✭✭✭
    Spoon-I looked again and you're right. For 1914 there were two 5 centime issues-the second one was struck in copper-nickel and that is described as rare. The first issue (which I missedimage) is $1.75 in XF and UNC. $9.00

    I rechecked the franc-you have the correct info. as far as my 2003 Krause states it.
    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
    is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
  • spoonspoon Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭
    Weird. So the prices really haven't moved at all. Even so I bet it'll be tough to find a nice example of the 5c & 10c. This looks to be a good path so far.. the only insanely rare piece that I'll have to exclude (aside from OMSs, etc) is the Italian 5 lire.

    Now I'll be bugging you guys with all the pics as I move along imageimage
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