
in Q & A Forum
I've seen many posts now with issues with turn-around time on submissions. Personally, If I had to wait 100+ days for a coin to come back to me (even if I opted for the 60 day submission) I'd be very upset. Consider your hard earned investment sitting on the shelf at PCGS at the very moment your sector begins to lose value. You wouldn't be able to do anything about it but watch it lose money day in and day out. PCGS would need a new phone system as some collectors (speculators) would want their coins back yesterday....
If PCGS has problems now, think about the issues they will have in the situation above. I'm not saying everyone has issues with turnaround time. I think the amount of posts here reflect a very small % of PCGS's problems. But still, it is an issue and a concern for some of us here. When a company grows, their systems and resources need to grow with it (management 101). So my question to PCGS is:
1) What % of submissions are completed within the alloted time frame? I would think 95% would be a low goal to start with. I assume you chart this and use it as an annual review bullet for each dept. head....
2) What do you have in place or will be putting in place to make sure submissions are completed on time?
3) What will you do to make sure that this type of problem never happens again?
Your response is appreciated.
If PCGS has problems now, think about the issues they will have in the situation above. I'm not saying everyone has issues with turnaround time. I think the amount of posts here reflect a very small % of PCGS's problems. But still, it is an issue and a concern for some of us here. When a company grows, their systems and resources need to grow with it (management 101). So my question to PCGS is:
1) What % of submissions are completed within the alloted time frame? I would think 95% would be a low goal to start with. I assume you chart this and use it as an annual review bullet for each dept. head....
2) What do you have in place or will be putting in place to make sure submissions are completed on time?
3) What will you do to make sure that this type of problem never happens again?
Your response is appreciated.
We are doing everything we can to add to our grading staff. However, submissions keep growing. This is a problem that will not be solved overnight, but we are working on it.