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e-bay link question

Is it proper to post links to darkside e-bay auctions on this board? I have listed a few and the link is on the BST board, but I don't want to get out of line here.



  • A lot of folks on this forum put in "SSP" (Shameless Self Promotion) links as part of their signatures. We are not as uptight in the World & Ancient Coins Forum about such things as those in certain other (unnamed) CU forums John.image

  • JohnZJohnZ Posts: 1,732
    Post away. As a matter of fact we're constantly buying coins from each other, and it's easier for us to peruse darkside offerings here than it is to fish through BST.


    We ARE watching you.

  • Sure, just try to keep them in the same post if you can. image You can also save on ebay fees by giving us first shot at them!! image
    We also run a Sunday swap/sell/trade thread here, so you can list on those too.

    eBay Store

    DPOTD Jan 2005, Meet the Darksiders
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