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Took a chance...

CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,017 ✭✭✭✭✭
I went against better judgement and won an auction of 9 Peace Dollars. Twas mainly silver value stuff. I paid more than I would for straight junk silver but not too much more. The catch is, there is a 1934S in the lot! Damn, I hope its a nice one and I can make my money back image The auction pics were not very well done. If not, oh well...it was still fun hehe. I'll post my own pics of the 34S when it arrives for all your grading opinions. Wish me luck!


  • I do a lot of "taking a chance". If it is cheap stuff, there really isn't much downside, and the occasional score is very exciting. I hope the 34-S is a nice one!
  • Nonetheless, still not bad...fingers crossed on the 34-S

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