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Give us the low-down....


  • nepbrs44nepbrs44 Posts: 600 ✭✭
    I take it you have something that would or may have come back in a bodybag?

    Bust Half & FSB Merc Collector
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Good about NCS:

    A really bad looking coin can be dramatically improved.
    A collector can get professional advice

    Bad about NCS:

    My personal experience is that the coins come out with either a washed out look or a greasy un-natural appearance.

    The grade guarantee is of very iffy value. Just because they guarantee that the coin can be put back into an NGC holder at a certain grade does not guarantee that you'll get even close to that value for the coin on the open market. This leads to substandard coins in NGC holders.

    The iffy about NCS:

    It seems to me that an awful lot of ok coins are given stickers soliciting NCS's services. The inference is that the coin might go up a grade [hint, hint] if NCS is utilized. NCS collects a fee for evaluation and then gets a cut of the coin's value for doing the work. Is this an elaborate way of getting a cut of the average increase in value of upgrades at NGC? Not sure - but it might be.
  • So is this a company that basically dips your coins professionally? I don't need their service... just curious.....

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