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1995 proof sets $5.00 each

I'm feeling a little guilty. I was at the Garage Sale in Indianapolis over the weekend and was nosing around. One of the sellers [male in his 40's] was cleaning house and was selling everything out. He had 1 1997 proof set and 5 1995 sets in original packaging, and wanted $5.00 each. I bought them. As I don't collect proof sets, I didn't know which ones from the 80's and 90's were worth a lot, but knew they were worth at least $7-8.00 each. I also knew there were certain dates that were worth a lot more, but I didn't know which ones. He asked me if he sold them too cheap. I told him I thought they were probably $2.00 too cheap. That's how the deal ended. The next day, another person told me they were the 2 dates from the 90's worth the most. Turns out a lot more. I do feel guilty, but I also know dealers and collectors cherry pick from each other. Should I feel guilty


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