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Don't fall for this one

Got a really legitmate looking email purportedly from aw-confirm@eBay.com asking me to enter my eBay ID and password. Looks VERY legit, all links on the page go to eBay pages. But look at the text below

For both, our and your security, we are asking you to update the following user information on your ebay account.
Important: All this process will happen through our secure server.

The punctuation and grammatical errors are what seals it as fake, even though I already knew that eBay would not ask for this info via email. Don't fall for it!

Silver American Eagles ROCK


  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭
    I make up names such as IHATESCAMMERS and similar emails and enter them for their viewing pleasure.
  • An admin should make a sticky with all of these known scams so it is always at the top of the page and everyone can view it.
  • NoGvmntNoGvmnt Posts: 1,126
    I got one from (allegedly) CitiBank a couple days ago that was asking for an extensive amount of personal information, including that I verify my CitiBank Credit Card account and PIN numbers,


    Guess who DOES NOT have a CitiBank account!


  • << <i>I make up names such as IHATESCAMMERS and similar emails and enter them for their viewing pleasure. >>

    I was tempted to do the same, but I worry that they will see my email address as a real one and send more scams. Of course, I could always open another email address somewhere and use that to bust scammers. Might be fun!

    Silver American Eagles ROCK

  • << <i>Looks VERY legit, all links on the page go to eBay pages. >>

    All the links do except the one that go to the sign in. That one will go elsewhere to a page that looks EXACTLY like the real page (Because they have simply copied and pasted the real page source code into their webpage. It will possibly even have a SIMILAR address.) but which has had the code for the destination of the submitted information changed. So when you hit submit their fake page sends the info to them instead of ebay.

  • << <i>All the links do except the one that go to the sign in. That one will go elsewhere to a page that looks EXACTLY like the real page (Because they have simply copied and pasted the real page source code into their webpage. It will possibly even have a SIMILAR address.) but which has had the code for the destination of the submitted information changed. So when you hit submit their fake page sends the info to them instead of ebay. >>

    The thing that scares me is that their Engish is gradually getting better- some of the first email scams to come out were almost gibberish! Of course, there are American made scams as well but the BEST seem to come from overseas.

    Silver American Eagles ROCK
  • Got the same one less than 45 minutes ago. What a bunch of clowns. Hope the F B I gets em!

    Alex in Alaska
    Collecting Morgans in Any Grade
  • I got a very official-looking email from "AT&T Billing" advising me that my auto credit card payment did not go through. The email instructed me to go to a web link where I then was asked to enter my credit card info AND my bank account info. I had already entered my credit card info but when I got to the bank account info I got suspicious and called AT&T. Apparently, I was one of the first if not the first to call because AT&T Customer Service got me on the line with their security department. I emailed them a copy of the email I received and within just a couple of minutes I received a general email announcement from AT&T warning all subscribers about the scam. What is scary is that the email bore all the resemblance of coming from AT&T and all the links included in the email linked into AT&T Worldnet web site. AT&T told me that the emails had an African/Middle East origin but couldn't give me any more info (Al Qaeda maybe?). They also said that the same scam may appear for other ISP's or other services that accept payment over the web - e.g. EBay. So be on the alert for this one - it is very clever and very dangerous.

    Buyer and seller of registry and investment quality coins of the United States.

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