
in Q & A Forum
On this day (1/08/04) I received a Capital Plastic's holder; wherein, my intentions were to crack out my Liberty Gold Set ($1 thru $20) graded by your firm and seat them in the C.P. holder. Well, I cracked them out of the PCGS holders upon receipt of the C.P. holder, and much to my dismay, I find that they don't fit. If C.P. can't appease this dilemma which I've presented to them per email (nastygram) and to you, via this thread, is there anyway possible that if I re-submit them to your firm, with the cracked holders and labels, to re-fit them with their previously designated grade(s), what is the probability that your firm will re-holder them w/o re-grading them. I guess you can call it a matter of trust issue because of the diverse rhetoric that this newcomer reads, hears, and sometimes sees about the grading industry. Your reply, if any, is greatly appreciated...

What is money, in reality, but dirty pieces of paper and metal upon which privilege is stamped?