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Fun project to do with a large-format, 40-coin Meghrig page...

- in this case, one for quarters. Got it on a whim for the great "old-style" look and, wanting to fill it in an interesting manner, got out the Redbook...

Soon found out, one 1891 (for the last year of Seateds), one example of the quarters from Philadelphia for the years 1892-1930 (no 22, of course) and, if one allows me to let 1916 be represented with a Barber, and not a Stander, you wind up the last space with a 1932, the first of the Washingtons.

I really like the symmetry as such and I think it'll be a cool display! Keeping everything Philly helps the consistency, and the affordability.

The more well-off among you may choose to use a 1916 Stander to represent that year. As I get reasonably close to completing it - I'll post a pic.

Do any other coin holders/album pages you've found lend themselves nicely to a display like this?


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