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USPS Click & Ship - Neat Way to Send Coins

I've tried out the new online label & postage system from the USPS, and it has merit for some shipments. Link to USPS

Professional Label
Option to purchase postage online with a credit card
Free delivery confirmation
Calculates Postage for you (given correct weight)
Prints an On-line Label Record with the shipping label for records
It may even e-mail the receiver (I don't remember the details of this)

Still cannot insure without going to the PO. (I feel confident with Delivery Confirmation for $50 and below amounts)
Need a semi accurate scale to be sure you put the right weight to get the correct postage

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    relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570
    Fixed link

    Insurance is the only thing that keeps me standing in line at the PO.

    Also any package over 16 oz. has to be given to a postal employee face to face.
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
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    CladiatorCladiator Posts: 17,929 ✭✭✭✭✭
    USPS Click and Ship is all I use, I love it!

    You're right that you can't do insurance but you can do Signature Required Delivery Confirmation. If you do the regular delivery confirmation all it tells you is that the package arrived, where and when. If you opt for just over $1 more to do the signature delivery confirmation it requires the recipient to physically sign in person and his/her signature is recorded as well as the time and place. This is more than sufficient for items that aren't incredibly expensive. Plus you can track your package in transit just like FedEx or UPS.

    You have to give it to a USPS employee if it is over a certain weight. Easy...I just hand mine to my mail man and he takes them from me here at my house. After a couple times and you get to know yer mail man you can most likely just leave the packages in or next to your mail box and he will just automatically take them. That's what mine does.

    Click and Ship rocks!

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