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Ratting out Bluemoon

Since David Hall doesn't buy on eBay he was surprised to hear how the CU Prices are referenced there.

Q&A Thread

(BTW: I called the mystery slabs PCI, but they are ICG. I couldn't edit my question)

I hope we can see some kind of change. It would be cool if PCGS sent a nasty letter saying knock that off image
My posts viewed image times
since 8/1/6


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    Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,875 ✭✭✭
    Funny how the bigwigs are so out of touch with what really goes on in the coin market.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
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    I found out that once in a Blue Moon, "Blue Moon Coins" has a legit auction. This guy lives on a Blue Moon somwhere in the Universe but, not in this Solar System. He is currently far beyond any current warp drive transportation that is able to reach him. Perhaps, that is why his auctions are so high.

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    RussRuss Posts: 48,515 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Funny how the bigwigs are so out of touch with what really goes on in the coin market. >>

    I was also pretty surprised when I saw his answer in the thread. On any given day, there are dozens of these con artists hawking PCI and NTC garbage quoting the CU price guide to reel in newbies.

    Russ, NCNE
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    I agree with him that they should state that it is for PCGS coins only. It should be on each and every price page.
    Time sure flies when you don't know what you are doing...

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    nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,387 ✭✭✭
    Even if they say specifically that it is for PCGS coins, as long as it is named the CU Price guide people will quote it. If they call it the PCGS Certified Coin Price Guide then that helps narrow things out.
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    AskariAskari Posts: 3,713
    Ah, yes, old Bluemoon. Does he ever actually sell anything? Back when I would bid on some of his auctions, I never saw anyone meet his reserve. I once contacted him after a failed auction of his to see if he would be interested in a market offer. I got an enthusiastic response about how eager he was to sell coins, so I sent him my offer ... and never heard from him again, even when I asked if he'd received my emailed offer. After that, I wrote him off permanently. I do wish PCGS would come down on these frauds who try to soak unwitting buyers on ACG-slabbed coins for PCGS prices. image

    Come on over ... to The Dark Side! image
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    I must comment, it strikes a cord

    I know em. Have a few trades over 20 yrs or so on Coin net (where you HAVE to act right or you're out)

    BUT !! I must say that this one,the way it is done up and propped is sure enough scruggedly disgusting.

    Precisely what runs folks away on the blatantly raw end of the deal and runs em away FOREVER !

    The hobby/industry would benefit, prosper, gain more "openess" and end up much more fluent if we can get crapshoot BS lots like this off the selling block as well as all the 2nd and 3rd rate grading sevices that skews the minds of lesser informed. They are designed only to bury the hell out of the buyer and are looking our for the fat duped buck much moreso than a valid buck gained in an open manner.

    There has to be a "stupid factor" on the sellers part (especially on these keenly designed lots on ebay) where you know you are ripping holes in innocent collectors' wallets,ruining their trust as a whole towards the business once they find out how bad they were had. All this results in much less or no more participation in the hobby by the burned ones.

    I'd like to hear more thoughts on this from dealers and hobbyist alike. How do you read it ??

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